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Short Doc

For Love of a River: Two Stories of Loss and Longing

When the water goes up behind the $8.7-billion Keeyask Dam in northern Manitoba, one family will lose more than any other. This short documentary, filmed by Brad Leitch, combines their story with the story of Ellen Cook who grew up in the shadow of another dam and imagines a future beyond concrete.

Film and trailer below.




Photo Galleries

When the Waters Went Up

Water, Spirit, Energy

Around the world, hydropower is branded as fresh and clean. The natural, flowing image above – from the cover of a Canadian Hydropower Association publication – is typical of hydro branding. (Manitoba Hydro is a CHA member.)SIL Island Les and Wm


The Other End of the Line tells stories of hydropower  impacts at South Indian Lake, Nelson House, Split Lake and  Grand Rapids.

Green Green Water is a feature length film made in 2005 by St. Paul, Minnesota filmmaker Dawn Mikkleson. Watch full film here.
